In-Person Black Belt Classes are Back!
Calling all OCIGK Black Belts. We are confirmed to move the Friday black belt class outdoors, It will be in compliance with all government guidelines and those IGK guidelines outlined several months ago (e.g., screening, face coverings, distancing, etc.)
If you haven't been training, but feel you would be comfortable in this new environment, you are strongly encouraged to enroll. The classes have been very productive in spite of the situation.
Class will be same time, different location.
Here are the details:
Weekly Fridays 6:30pm-7:30pm (lighting will be available)
Cypress Community Center located at 255 Visions, Irvine CA
Wear uniform and anything else that would ensure comfort such as sweatshirt or long sleeve underneath, tennis shoes, knit cap, etc. We may train on hard surfaces outdoors, Thus, you can choose to wear tennis shoes or beat feet. You will also be able to purchase martial arts shoes from Shihan.
Click below to register for the black belt class: