“The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants.” – Gichin Funakoshi

The OCIGK has provided quality martial arts instruction in Orange County since 1982. We practice traditional Goju Ryu Karate plus aspects of Kenpo and Kung Fu that enhance, but do not alter, the traditional style. Founded by Kyoshi Roy Cadiente, IGK instructs students of all ages - from ages four through adult.
Instruction for younger students is focused on developing strong and honorable leaders equipped with skills for success and self-protection. Adult instruction focuses on the development of physical and mental strength, coordination, and the skills to protect self and others in all situations.

Our fundamental goals are:
To impart self discipline
To develop strong and ethical leaders
To strengthen the physical body
To instill confidence
To teach self defense skills.

Kyoshi Roy Cadiente has been practicing karate for over 50 years with many of martial arts greatest students. This group photo was taken in 1973 with Dan Inosanto’s “Backyard Group” where they trained in a makeshift Kwoon in Guro Dan's backyard. The knowledge and influence of the people pictured is staggering and they incorporated the teachings of Guro Inosanto's compadre, Bruce Lee. Kyoshi Roy was fortunate to have been a part of this group and brings that knowledge into his own teachings. Guro Dan Inosanto (seated behind woman in first row) is seated next to Kyoshi Roy (bottom right).

The style Goju Ryu was named in 1931 by Miyagi Chojun Sensei. He was born on April 25, 1888 in Naha, Okinawa. "Go" means hard and "Ju" mean soft, hence Goju Ryu is translated as Hard Soft Way. It is a blend of Okinawan Te (hard) and Shoalin Kung Fu (soft). Other Chinese influences include I Chuan and Tai Chi Chuan which Sensei Miyagi studied on several trips to the Chinese mainland.

Hanshi Tino Ceberano & Kyoshi Roy Cadiente

Kyoshi Roy Cadiente in the 1960s
The information in this site is intended to be informative as well as inspirational. We hope that it is a valued resource not only for our own students but for all students of the martial arts.

IRVINE: The OCIGK coordinates Irvine classes through the Irvine Parks and Recreation Department. Classes are held at the Deerfield Community Park Building located at 55 Deerwood West, Irvine CA and Northwood Community Center located at 4531 Bryan Avenue, Irvine CA. Class registration takes place monthly online or in person at any City of Irvine office location.
TUSTIN: OCIGK coordinates Tustin classes through the Tustin Parks and Recreation Department. Classes are held at the Columbus Tustin Park located at 14712 Prospect Avenue Tustin, CA. Class registration takes place monthly online or in-person at any City of Tustin office location
"Give all students the opportunity to feel important about themselves and they will grow"
Kyoshi Roy Cadiente